Three trails lead to the Knoll. One from the entrance road, and two from the North Shore Trail. The longest trail over this hill is 0.5 mile. Elevation gain: 180 feet. Not suitable for persons with limited mobility. Lace lichen strands on Whalers Knoll trail. Photo credit: Don Koch. Here is a chance [...]
Between Whalers Cove and Sea Lion Point parking area; 1.4 miles. A challenging walk through pine forest with open views of coves below. Recommended only for strong walkers. Much of this trail requires walking over rocky ground, tree roots, or stairs. However, the trail from the Sea Lion Point parking lot to the Old Veteran [...]
This 0.5 mile trail parallels main entrance road coastward from entrance station -- a pleasant and safer alternative to walking that road. It also connects with the Pine Ridge Trail and with the upper end of Mound Meadow Trail, and, across the road, with the trail up to Whalers Knoll. Accessibility: Flat, mostly easy walking, [...]
0.7 mile between the Lace Lichen Trail and the South Plateau Trail, this trail crosses the Mound Meadow Trail. Provides access to/from the Piney Woods parking and picnic area. Accessibility: does not meet ADA standards, but is generally level and easy to walk. Pine Ridge Trail. Photo credit: Fred Brown. This is one [...]
From Whalers Cabin to Granite Point and back; through meadow and woods to panoramic view. 1.3 miles, 60 minutes. This trail is fully accessible to the Pit, and beyond: to a point from which Moss Cove is visible. Moss Cove in Point Lobos The Granite Point Trail begins near the Whalers Cabin, and [...]
Between the entrance station and the Bird Island Trail above Gibson Beach. Through pine and live oak woodland: 0.7 mile. Accessibility: Not suitable for wheelchairs or strollers. This trail is somewhat hilly and has uneven surfaces. Those with limited mobility wanting a walk to the southern end of the Reserve may prefer the Mound Meadow [...]
From the entrance station through pine forest to Whalers Cove: 0.2 mile (10 minutes). Trail is fully accessible, and connects to another accessible trail, the Granite Point Trail. Carmelo Meadow mushroom (top) and junco nest (bottom). Photo credit: Paul Reps. The Carmelo Meadow Trail starts just past the entrance station and makes its [...]
This 0.6 Mile ADA-compliant trail, along with the Sea Lion Point Trail, makes a loop around Sand Hill. The northern end of the South Shore Trail intersects with this trail. Sand Hill Trail forms, along with a section of the Sea Lion Point Trail, a loop of stunning ocean views. This trail begins under the [...]
Round trip from Sea Lion Point parking area; 0.6 mile. Includes cove overlooks and offers best view of sea lion rocks offshore. This the upper part of the trail connects with the Sand Hill Trail to make a loop around Sand Hill that is fully accessible. Lower portions of this trail are not accessible. [...]
0.3 mile from the entrance road (opposite the side road to Whalers Cove) to the South Shore road near Weston Beach. Provides a pleasant shortcut between the entrance kiosk and the south shore. Bobcat on Mound Meadow trail. Photo credit: Peter Fletcher. Mound Meadow Trail starts at the junction of the entrance road [...]
This continuously busy area was the site of a whaling station from 1862 to 1879. Where visitors now park, an abalone cannery once operated, and traces remain of a granite quarry, said to have supplied the stone for the San Francisco Mint. Registered SCUBA divers enter the water here to enjoy that part of the [...]
An easy, mostly level 0.6 mile walk through an open field to northern boundary of Reserve (Ichxenta Point). Reached via a descent of several steps from the Granite Point Trail. A side trail provides access to the Pit’s rocky beach. Photo by Mary Conway The Moss Cove Trail first passes Moss Cove, which [...]
The trail starts at the Reserve's southernmost parking area. Round trip: 0.8 mile. Habitats: pine forest, coastal scrub, rocky shores. Provides access via staircase to sandy Gibson Beach and views of Bird Island and China Cove. Other than Gibson Beach, the trail is fully accessible. China Cove On the way to the Bird [...]
The north end of this trail begins with a set of stairs that descend from the south side of the Sand Hill Trail; the southern end is at the Bird Island parking area. 1 mile. Provides access to rocky shores and pebbly beaches. Accessibility: not suitable for wheelchairs; strollers may be OK on some parts. [...]
This 0.8 mile trail starts at the Sea Lion Point parking area and provides a walk through coastal scrub and then loops through mostly cypress forest outlined by cliffs with dramatic and spectacular ocean views. A Trail Guide available at the Information Station at the trail head will help you understand what you are seeing. [...]
Due to predicted high winds, Point Lobos SNR will be closed Thursday, February 13th. Please check back for updates.